For this edition of the Jodler our friends at ECOVIS Austria analyzed the implications of the dissolution of the Austrian Government on the announced tax reform – and especially the effects on startups & angel investors.
They were wondering: What will happen to the nice benefits that the startup community was waiting for?
Good news is: the dissolution won’t affect startups at all. Why? Because tax reliefs and other types of fiscal incentives for startups established as GmbH were not on the agenda in the first place.
The planned tax reform (proposed by the old government) would not have given any positive tax implication for the typical Austrian startup-GmbH:
- The planned corporate tax reduction (from 25 % to 21 % in 2023) would not lead to an advantage in the case of loss making startups (with high burn rates)
- The planned profit participation (3.000 EUR net per year per employee) would not be applicable in the case of losses
- No incentives for startup investors had been planned
- No other incentives for startups had been planned
- No reduction of the extremely high wage costs in Austria was planned we like to say in Austria: Schau’ ma mal (which is a kind of a not too optimistic: Let’s see). Thus, let’s wait for a new elected parliament and the new government. Maybe we’ll see more incentives to boost the startup ecosystem quite soon. Or maybe we won’t. We’ll see 😉
We wish you a relaxing Summer!
PS from AAIA: Together with ECOVIS and other players in the ecosystem, we’ve created a couple of ideas on how to foster & support the development of the Austrian startup ecosystem. You can find all our papers on this topic on our website.
Barbara Hölzl, Managing Director and Tax Advisor ECOVIS Austria & David Gloser, Partner, Chartered Accountant and Tax Advisor ECOVIS Austria